Our Vision

At MSP we believe trees clean the air, soil and water, making the earth a livable place. They are an integral part to our well being, that just living close to trees makes us healthier and happier. As the biggest plants on the planet, they give us oxygen, store carbon, stabilize the soil and give life to the world's wildlife. They also provide us with the materials for tools and shelter. Here at MSP we are passionate about saving as many trees as possible . Working with us, we can come up with a tree and shrub care plan for your property that will benefit you, your property, the environment and the people around you.

Our Services
Here at MSP we have been servicing commercial and residential clients in the twin cities and surrounding counties for years with EAB Treatments, Tree Trimming and Pruning, Tree Removal, and Plant Health Care programs. We are dedicated to maintaining and improving the health and safety of trees and shrubs whenever possible. Our tree service focuses on preventing and addressing your tree problems through carefully planned and executed tree maintenance. Whether it be EAB Treatments, tree spraying, fertilization, or tree pruning by our Certified Arborists, our goal is to preserve and protect your investment in your landscape trees and shrubs.

EAB Quick Estimate
We have provided you with a quick estimate tool that will give you an approximate price per tree. There is also an ash tree identification guide to help you determine if you have an ash tree on your property. Once you have determined you have an ash tree, measure the circumference of your tree twelve inches above the ground, then plug that number into the calculator and it will give you the approximate price to treat your ash tree. This treatment will protect your ash tree for two years. If you are still not sure you can definitely contact us and one of our trained professionals will come out to your property for a free estimate.